第四章 和平(一七一三~一七一五年)(第12/14页)

CSPCS 1716-1717:Cecil Headlam,ed.,Calendar of State PapersColonial SeriesAmerica and the West IndiesJanuary 1716 to July 1717(Vol.29),London:His Majesty’s Stationary Office,1930.,No. 240i,pp. 140-141.

[29] CO5/1265:Colonial Office Records:Documents relating to Woodes Rogers’s appointment,National Archives,Kew,UK.,No. 17i:Thomas Walker to the Council of Trade and Plantations,Nassau:14 March 1715;Michael Craton,A History of the Bahamas,London:Collins,1962,p. 91.

[30] 小莎拉·沃克(1700~1731)最后嫁给威廉·费尔法克斯(William Fairfax),弗吉尼亚州的费尔法克斯郡就是以后者的名字命名。她的女儿安妮(Anne)嫁给了华盛顿的哥哥劳伦斯(Lawrence Washington),此人建立了弗农山庄;后来,未来的美国总统从安妮手中租下了山庄,并在她死后继承了山庄。安妮的哥哥乔治·费尔法克斯(George Fairfax)显然遗传了部分非洲五官,孩童时期造访英格兰时遭受羞辱,他父亲那边的亲戚猜测他在青春期时皮肤是否会转黑。

[31] CO5/1265:Colonial Office Records:Documents relating to Woodes Rogers’s appointment,National Archives,Kew,UK.,No. 17i:Thomas Walker to Colonel Nicholson,New Providence:14 March 1715;CO5/1265:Colonial Office Records:Documents relating to Woodes Rogers’s appointment,National Archives,Kew,UK.,No. 17:Thomas Walker to the Proprietors of the Bahamas,New Providence:14 March 1715;Bruce T McCully,“Nicholson,Francis,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography,CD-ROM,Toronto:University of Toronto,2000.

[32] Pulleine to the Council of Trade,22 April 1714,p. 334.

[33] Johnathan Chace’s Receipt,CO5/1265:Colonial Office Records:Documents relating to Woodes Rogers’s appointment,National Archives,Kew,UK.,No. 17i:Thomas Walker to Archibald Hamilton,21 January 1715.

[34] CO5/1265:Colonial Office Records:Documents relating to Woodes Rogers’s appointment,National Archives,Kew,UK.,No. 17v:George Hearne to Thomas Walker,Harbour Island,Bahamas:20 January 1715.

[35] CO5/1265:Colonial Office Records:Documents relating to Woodes Rogers’s appointment,National Archives,Kew,UK.,No. 17iii:Marquis de Cassa Torres to Thomas Walker,Havana:15 February 1715.

[36] Deposition of John Vickers,Williamsburg,VA:1716 in CSPCS 1716-1717:Cecil Headlam,ed.,Calendar of State PapersColonial SeriesAmerica and the West IndiesJanuary 1716 to July 1717(Vol.29),London:His Majesty’s Stationary Office,1930.,No. 240i,p. 141.

[37] Sir James Balfour Paul,The Scots Perage,Vol. IV,Edinburgh:David Douglas (1907),pp. 380-385;Kenneth J. Kinkor,“The Whydah Sourcebook,” unpublished document,Provincetown:Whydah Museum,Provincetown,MA:2003,pp. 342-343.

[38] Samuel Page to Sir Gilbert Heathcote,London:8 May 1716 in CSPCS 1716-1717:Cecil Headlam,ed.,Calendar of State PapersColonial SeriesAmerica and the West IndiesJanuary 1716 to July 1717(Vol.29),London:His Majesty’s Stationary Office,1930.,No. 158viii,pp. 82-83;“Representation of the Assembly of Jamaica to the King,” Jamaica:Early 1716 in CSPCS 1716-1717:Cecil Headlam,ed.,Calendar of State PapersColonial SeriesAmerica and the West IndiesJanuary 1716 to July 1717(Vol.29),London:His Majesty’s Stationary Office,1930.,No. 158xi(a),pp. 83-87;An account of the mal-administration in Jamaica during the Government of Lord Hamilton,Jamaica:early 1716,CSPCS 1716-1717:Cecil Headlam,ed.,Calendar of State PapersColonial SeriesAmerica and the West IndiesJanuary 1716 to July 1717(Vol.29),London:His Majesty’s Stationary Office,1930.,No. 158xii,pp. 88-90.

[39] Lord Archibald Hamilton,An Answer to An Anonymous Libel,London:1718,pp. 44-48.

[40] CO137/12:Colonial Office Records:Jamaica Correspondence,1716-1718,National Archives,Kew,UK.,folio 16ii:A list of vessels commissioner by Governor Lord A.Hamilton,c. May 1716.

[41] Lord Archibald Hamilton,An Answer to An Anonymous Libel,London:1718,p. 59.

[42] 为了前后统一,本书所有日期都以英国当时使用的儒略历表示。其实,西班牙及法国当时已使用现代的格里高利历。在这个时期,格里高利历的日期会比儒略历早十一天,也就是说,在西班牙的文献记录中,这支一七一五年的宝船舰队,是在七月二十四日出发的。

[43] Kip Wagner,Pieces of Eight:Recovering the Riches of a Lost Spanish Treasure Fleet,New York:E. P.Dutton & Co.,1966,pp. 55-73;up-to-date information on the names,fate,and identity of particular ships can be found on www.1715fleet.com. The storm is described in Don Miguel de Lima y Melo to Duque de Linares,Havana:19 October 1715 (Gregorian),in SAT,pp. 32-34.