第四章 和平(一七一三~一七一五年)(第14/14页)
[64] Kris E. Lane,Pillaging the Empire:Piracy in the Americas 1500-1700,Armonk,NY:M. E. Sharpe,2001,pp. 161-163;Marion Clayton Link,The Spanish Camp Site and the 1715 Plate Wreck Fleet,2nd corrected draft,unpublished manuscript,c. 1970,p. 7;Kip Wagner,Pieces of Eight:Recovering the Riches of a Lost Spanish Treasure Fleet,New York:E. P.Dutton & Co.,1966,pp. 63-65. 《海盗通史》证实“潜水引擎”或大钟的使用(GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p.35)。
[65] Kip Wagner,Pieces of Eight:Recovering the Riches of a Lost Spanish Treasure Fleet,New York:E. P.Dutton & Co.,1966,p. 66,to whose estimate should be added that sent out in the Maricaybo:Declaration of Antonio Peralta,Havana:[1716?],translated in SAT,pp. 115-116. Further details in Letter of Captain Don Francisco de Soto Sanchez,Havana:29 October 1715 translated in SAT,pp. 102-103.
[66] GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 36.
[67] “Extract of a letter from Don Juan Francisco del Valle to the Marquis de Monteleon,” Jamaica:March 18,1716 in CSPCS 1716-1717:Cecil Headlam,ed.,Calendar of State Papers,Colonial Series:America and the West Indies,January 1716 to July 1717(Vol.29),London:His Majesty’s Stationary Office,1930.,item No. 158i,pp. 78-79;Testimony of Pedro de la Vega,pp. 113-114;Declaration of Antonio Peralta,pp. 115-116;Marion Clayton Link,The Spanish Camp Site and the 1715 Plate Wreck Fleet,2nd corrected draft,unpublished manuscript,c. 1970,p. 8;Deposition of Joseph Lorrain,pp. 67-68.
[68] GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 135.
[69] “New York Dispatch,” Boston News-Letter,28 May 1716,p. 2.
[70] Deposition of John Vickers,Williamsburg,VA:1716 in CSPCS 1716-1717:Cecil Headlam,ed.,Calendar of State Papers,Colonial Series:America and the West Indies,January 1716 to July 1717(Vol.29),London:His Majesty’s Stationary Office,1930.,No. 240i,pp. 140-141;CO5/1265:Colonial Office Records:Documents relating to Woodes Rogers’s appointment,National Archives,Kew,UK.,No. 52i:Deposition of Thomas Walker Jr.,Charlestown,SC:6 August 1716;CO5/1265:Colonial Office Records:Documents relating to Woodes Rogers’s appointment,National Archives,Kew,UK.,No. 52:Thomas Walker to the Council of Trade,Charlestown,SC:August 1716.
[71] Deposition of Joseph Lorrain,Jamaica:21 August 1716,Jamaica Council Minutes,ff. 110-111 in Kenneth J. Kinkor,“The Whydah Sourcebook,” unpublished document,Provincetown:Whydah Museum,Provincetown,MA:2003,pp. 67-68.