第四章 和平(一七一三~一七一五年)(第11/14页)

[8] 这里推想自一七○六年约翰·葛雷福提供的小岛状况证词,引自Michael Craton,A History of the Bahamas,London:Collins,1962,第93~95页。当时的情况大概与一七一三年类似。岛上在一七○六年后可能的进展,被随后的法国攻击摧毁。这个假设的进一步证明是,岛上一直到一七一八年,依旧状况不佳,见Samuel Buck in CO23/1:Colonial Office Records:Bahamas Correspondence,1717-1725,National Archives,Kew,UK.,No. 17及随后章节。

[9] “Boston News Item,” Boston News-Letter,29April 1714,p. 2;Henry Pulleine to the Council of Trade and Plantations,Bermuda:22 April 1714 in CSPCS 1712-1714,No. 651,pp. 333-334.

[10] Carl Bridenbaugh,Cities in the Wilderness:The First Century of Urban Life in America 1625-1742,New York:Alfred A. Knopf,1955,pp. 171-172,151,178-179;Justin Winsor (ed.),Memorial History of Boston,1630-1880,Boston:Ticknor & Co.,1880,pp. 440-441,496.

[11] Justin Winsor (ed.),Memorial History of Boston,1630-1880,Boston:Ticknor & Co.,1880,p. 442n.

[12] Michael G. Hall,The Last American Puritan,Middletown,CT:Wesleyan University Press,1988,p. 338.

[13] 这栋市镇屋(一七一三年建成)今日依旧屹立不摇,周围是摩天大楼,人们熟悉的名字是老州议会大厦(Old State House)。国王街今日的名字是州议会街(State Street)。长码头曾经穿越的海埔地,已被填平为波士顿滨水区。

[14] Justin Winsor (ed.),Memorial History of Boston,1630-1880,Boston:Ticknor & Co.,1880,pp. 388-390,442-443;Carl Bridenbaugh,Cities in the Wilderness:The First Century of Urban Life in America 1625-1742,New York:Alfred A. Knopf,1955,p. 180.

[15] 波士顿著名的法尼尔厅(Faneuil Hall)就是以安德鲁·法尼尔的名字命名的。

[16] Carl Bridenbaugh,Cities in the Wilderness:The First Century of Urban Life in America 1625-1742,New York:Alfred A. Knopf,1955,p. 185.

[17] Justin Winsor (ed.),Memorial History of Boston,1630-1880,Boston:Ticknor & Co.,1880,p. 499.

[18] Henry David Thoreau,Cape Cod,New York:W.W.Norton,1951,pp. 45-60.

[19] Jeremiah Digges,Cape Cod Pilot,Provincetown,MA:Modern Pilgrim Press,1936,pp. 134-137.

[20] 另一种诠释见Edwin Dethlefson,Whidah:Cape Cod’s Mystery Treasure Ship,Woodstock,VT:Seafarer’s Heritage Library,1984,pp. 14-22.不过,后来又有新证据。更为想象式的叙述,见Barry Clifford,The Pirate Prince,New York:Simon & Schuster,1993,pp. 21-22.

[21] A. Otis,Genealogical Notes of Barnstable Families,Barnstable,MA:F. B & F. P Goss,1888;Robert Charles Anderson,The Great Migration,Vol. 3,Boston:New England Historic Genealogical Society,2003;Author’s Interview,Kenneth J.Kinkor,Provincetown,MA:15 June 2005.

[22] Kenneth J. Kinkor,“The Whydah Sourcebook,” unpublished document,Provincetown:Whydah Museum,Provincetown,MA:2003,p. 312;Fact Sheet,Great Island,Cape Cod National Seashore,National Park Service:online resource at www.nps.gov/caco/places/index.thml,viewed 13 May 2006.

[23] “Last Will & Testament of Mary Hallett,” Yarmouth,MA:April 19,1734 from Barnstable County Public Records,Vol. 8,as appears in Kenneth J. Kinkor,“The Whydah Sourcebook,” unpublished document,Provincetown:Whydah Museum,Provincetown,MA:2003,pp. 295-296.

[24] George Andrews Moriatry,“John Williams of Newport,Merchant,and His Family,” The Genealogical Magazine,Nos. 1-3 (1915),pp. 4-12;Genealogies of Rhode Island Families,Volume II:Smith¡ªYates,Baltimore:Clearfield,2000,pp. 401-406.

[25] Malcolm Sands Wilson,Descendants of James Sands of Block Island,Privately printed:p. 194;George R. Burgess & Jane Fletcher Fiske,“New Shoreham Town Book No. 1,” manuscript transcription,1924,p. 17.

[26] Author Interview,Kenneth J. Kinkor,15 June 2005;Zacks,pp. 232-233,240-241;Barry Clifford,The Lost Fleet,New York:Harper- Collins,2002,pp. 108-118,262-264.

[27] John Franklin Jameson,Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period:Illustrative Documents,New York:Macmillan Co.,1923,pp. 141-142.

[28] CO5/1265:Colonial Office Records:Documents relating to Woodes Rogers’s appointment,National Archives,Kew,UK.,No. 17i:A List of the men’s names that sailed from Iletheria and Committed Piracies Upon the Spaniards on the Coast of Cuba since the Proclamation of Peace,Nassau:14 March 1715;CO5/1265:Colonial Office Records:Documents relating to Woodes Rogers’s appointment,National Archives,Kew,UK.,No. 17iv:John Chace’s Receipt for Carrying Daniel Stilwell,Nassau:2 January 1715,p. 32. Note that these accounts are more accurate than the year-old recollections of John Vickers,which muddle some of the dates and details:Deposition of John Vickers,Williamsburg,VA:1716 in