尾声 海盗末日(一七二○~一七三二年)(第9/9页)

[40] GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 114-134;“London Dispatch,April 9,” American Weekly Mercury,Philadelphia:30 June 1720,p. 4;CO142/14:Colonial Office Records:Jamaica Shipping Returns,1709-1722,National Archives,Kew,UK.:A List of all the ships and vessels that have called at Kingston in His Majesty’s Land of Jamaica from the 29th day of September to the 25th day of December 1718.

[41] “New York Dispatch,July 25,” Boston Gazette,1 August 1720,p. 3;John Hardy,A Chronological List of the Captains of His Majesty’s Royal Navy,London:T. Cadell,1794,p. 25.

[42] Hardy,p. 33;John Charnock,Biographia Navalis,Vol. IV,London:R. Faulder,1796,p. 46.

[43] Charnock,p. 58;Lewis Morris to Mary Morris Pearse,Trenton,NJ:22 May 1742,in Eugene Sheridan (ed.),The Papers of Lewis Morris,Vol. III,Newark,NJ:New Jersey Historical Society,1993,pp. 192-194;Lewis Morris to Vincent Pearse,1 May 1742 in Ibid.,pp. 186-189;Lewis Morris to Euphemia Morris Norris,Trenton,NJ:14 May 1742 in Ibid.,pp. 189-192;Eupehmia Morris Norris to Lewis Morris,Bois,Buckinghamshire,England:15 June 1742 in Ibid.,pp. 196-204.

[44] David Syrett (ed.),Commissioned Sea Officers of the Royal Navy 1660-1815,London:Navy Records Society,1994,p. 614;Hardy,p. 44;David Lyon,The Sailing Navy List,London:Conway,1993,p. 50.

[45] Robert E. Lee,Blackbeard the Pirate:A Reappraisal of His Life and Times,Winston-Salem,NC:John F. Blair,1974,pp. 63-65.

[46] James Grant Wilson and James Fiske,Appleton’s Cyclopedia of American Biography,Vol. V,New York:D. Appleton & Co.,1888,pp. 635-636;R. A. Brock (ed),The Official Letters of Alexander Spottswood,Vol. I,Richmond,VA:Virginia Historical Society,1882,pp. xii-xvi.

[47] “London News Item,” London Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer,31 August 1717,p. 321;Minutes of the Commissioners for the Trade and Plantations,London:6 June 1721 as appears in Kenneth J. Kinkor,“The Whydah Sourcebook,” unpublished document,Provincetown:Whydah Museum,Provincetown,MA:2003,p. 266;Sir James Balfour,ed.,The Scots Peerage,Vol. IV,Edinburgh:David Douglas,1907,p. 7.

[48] Woodes Rogers Appeal to the King.

[49] Arne Bialuschewski,“Daniel Defoe,Nathaniel Mist,and the General History of the Pyrates,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America,Vol. 98 (2004),pp. 21-38;Advertisement for the General History,American Weekly Mercury,29 December 1724,p. 2.

[50] “Rogers Appeal to the King,” 1726;Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,pp. 202,208.

[51] Hogarth,Woodes Rogers and his Family,1729.

[52] Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,pp. 210-222.

[53] Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,p. 210n.