尾声 海盗末日(一七二○~一七三二年)(第8/9页)
[20] “Woodes Rogers’ Proclamation,” Nassau:5 September 1720 in Boston Gazette,17 October 1720,p. 3;Lt. Lawes to Captain Vernon,20 October 1720 in CSPCS 1720-1721,No. 527xxxiv (e),p. 344;“New Providence Dispatch,September 4,” Boston Gazette,17 October 1720,p. 2;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 624-625.
[21] 《海盗通史》错把这个人当成约翰·韩门(John Haman)。应该认识他本人的罗杰斯,在一七二○年九月五日的官方公告上,提供了较为确切的信息。
[22] TJR:The Tryals of Captain John Rackham and other Pirates,Kingston,Jamaica:Robert Baldwin,1720,pp. 8-10;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 625-626.
[23] TJR:The Tryals of Captain John Rackham and other Pirates,Kingston,Jamaica:Robert Baldwin,1720,pp. 18-19.
[24] TJR:The Tryals of Captain John Rackham and other Pirates,Kingston,Jamaica:Robert Baldwin,1720,pp. 10-11.
[25] TJR:The Tryals of Captain John Rackham and other Pirates,Kingston,Jamaica:Robert Baldwin,1720,p. 32-33;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 156.
[26] GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 165.
[27] “St. Jago de la Vega Dispatch,November 22,” Boston News-Letter,27 February 1721,p. 2;Clinton V. Black,Pirates of the West Indies,Cambridge,UK:Cambridge University Press,1989,p. 115.
[28] TJR:The Tryals of Captain John Rackham and other Pirates,Kingston,Jamaica:Robert Baldwin,1720,p. 19;“New York Dispatch,January 31,” American Weekly Mercury,Philadelphia:7 February 1721,p. 2;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 165.
[29] Clinton V. Black,Pirates of the West Indies,Cambridge,UK:Cambridge University Press,1989,p. 116;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 159.
[30] GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 165;Clinton V. Black,Pirates of the West Indies,Cambridge,UK:Cambridge University Press,1989,p. 116.
[31] Marcus Rediker,Villains of All Nations:Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age,Boston:Beacon Press,2004,pp. 29-30.
[32] ADM 1/1879 f5:Deposition of Thomas Heath,St. Christopher:5 July 1718;ADM 1/1879 f5:Francis Hume to the Admiralty,Scarborough at St. Christopher:6 July 1718.
[33] Letter from Captain Mackra,Bombay:16 November 1720,in GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 118-120;Adrien D’Epinay,Renseignements pour servier a L’Histoire de L’Ile de France,Ile Maurice (Mauritus):Nouvelle Imprimerie Dupuy,1890,p. 88;Madeleine Philippe & Jan Dodd,Mauritius Reunion & Seychelles,Victoria,Australia:2004,pp. 194-195.
[34] William Snelgrave,A New Account of Some Parts of Guinea and the Slave Trade,London:James,John & Paul Knapton,1734,pp. 216-217,257-259.
[35] Genealogies of Rhode Island Families,Vol. II,Baltimore:Clearfield,2000,pp. 405-406.
[36] “New York Dispatch,November 17,” Boston News-Letter,24 November 1718,p. 2;“Piscataqua Dispatch,April 17,” Boston News-Letter,13 April 1719,p. 2;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 167-176,191-193.
[37] Marcus Rediker,Villains of All Nations:Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age,Boston:Beacon Press,2005,pp. 53,169-170.
[38] Arthur L.Hayward (ed.),Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals,London:George Routledge & Sons,1927 (originally published London:John Osborn,1735),pp. 34-38.
[39] GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 288-296.