尾声 海盗末日(一七二○~一七三二年)(第7/9页)


罗杰斯总督在一七三一年五月返回新普罗维登斯,但从未真正恢复健康,一七三二年七月十五日去世,埋在拿骚。他的墓地已经找不到了,但他的名字使这座城市的滨水区大街生色,并且巴哈马官方箴言也向他致敬:驱逐海盗,恢复贸易(Expulsis Piratis,Comercia Restitua)。[53]

[1] 一七一八年十二月到一七二○年二月的四国同盟战争,造成西班牙对抗英国、法国、奥地利与荷兰。英国历史学家把这场战争恰如其分地形容为“我们所有冲突中最为人遗忘的一场”,最后,西班牙未能成功地把巴哈马、南北卡罗来纳、法属路易斯安那纳入帝国版图。罗杰斯在一七一九年三月十六日收到官方的开战通知,不过他从前一年的十一月就已经预见这件事了。

[2] CO23/1:Colonial Office Records:Bahamas Correspondence,1717-1725,National Archives,Kew,UK.,No. 14ii:Bahamas Council Minutes,Nassau:31 March 1719.

[3] CO23/12/2:Rogers Appeal to the King,1726.

[4] Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,p. 191;Rogers to Secretary Craggs,Nassau:27 May 1719 in CSPCS 1719-1720,No. 205,p. 97.

[5] Rogers [to Secretary Craggs?],Nassau:24 January 1719 in CSPCS 1719-1720,No. 28,pp. 8-9.

[6] Rogers to the Council of Trade and Plantations,Nassau:20 April 1720 in CSPCS 1720-1721,No. 47,p. 30;Governor and Council of the Bahamas to Secretary Craggs,Nassau:26 November 1720 in CSPCS 1720-1721,No. 302,p. 201.

[7] ADM 1/2649 f111:Thomas Whitney to the Admiralty,Rose at Port Royal,Jamaica:26 October 1719;Rogers to Craggs,27 May 1719,p. 97.

[8] Rogers to Council of Trade,20 April 1720,p. 29;Nicholas Laws to the Council of Trade and Plantations,Jamaica:31 March 1720 in CSPCS 1720-1721,No. 35,p. 21;Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,p. 193;David Lyon,The Sailing Navy List,London:Conway,1993,p. 36.

[9] John Lloyd to Secretary Craggs,Charleston,SC:2 February 1721 in CSPCS 1720-1721,No. 372,p. 252.

[10] Rogers Appeal to the King;Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,p. 198.

[11] Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,pp. 198-201.

[12] ADM 1/2649 f11:Thomas Whitney to the Admiralty,Rose off Cape Canaveral,Florida:3 June 1719.

[13] GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 640-641.

[14] “Shipping News,New York,Oct. 10,” Boston Gazette,17 October 1720,p. 4;“New York Dispatch,August 15,” American Weekly Mercury,18 August 1720,p. 2;“New York Dispatch,October 23,” American Weekly Mercury,19 October 1721,p. 2;Report via Captain Styles of Bermuda,Pennsylvania Gazette,Philadelphia:4 July 1745.

[15] CO23/13:Colonial Office Records:Bahamas,Letters from Governors,1718-1727,National Archives,Kew,UK.,No. 53:Deposition of William South,Nassau:27 May 1719.

[16] Nicholas Lawes to Council of Trade and Plantations,Jamaica:31 January 1719 in CSPCS 1719-1720,No. 34,p. 18;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 622.

[17] “Port Royal Dispatch,February 10,” Weekly Jamaica Courant,Kingston,11 February 1719,p. 3;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 622-623;Nicholas Lawes to Council of Trade and Plantations,Jamaica:24 March 1719 in CSPCS 1719-1720,No. 132,p. 64.

[18] GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 623-624.

[19] GHP:Charles Johnson,