第十一章 亡命天涯(一七一八年九月~一七二○年三月)(第12/14页)
[14] Brand to the Admiralty,6 February 1719.
[15] David Lyon,The Sailing Navy List,London:Conway,1993,pp. 26,36.
[16] Spotswood to Council of Trade,22 December 1718,p. 432.
[17] ADM51/672:Admiralty Records,Captain’s Logs,Pearl,26 July 1715 to 8 Dec 1719,National Archives,Kew,UK.:Admiralty Records,Captain’s Logs,Pearl,26 July 1715 to 8 Dec 1719,National Archives,Kew,UK. p3:entry of 17 November 1718;Abstract of Letter of Robert Maynard to Mr. Symonds of the Phoenix,North Carolina:17 December 1718 in London Weekly Journal or British Gazette,25 April 1719,p. 1,339.
[18] ADM 1/1826 f2:George Gordon to the Admiralty,Pearl at Carlisle Bay,Jamaica:10 March 1718.
[19] Abstract of Letter of Robert Maynard to Mr Symonds,p. 1,339;Hyde’s full name and rank is found in ADM 33/311:Navy Board Pay Office,Ship’s Pay Books,National Archives,Kew,UK:Paybook of the Pearl,where he is listed as “Killed in taking Pirate Teach.”
[20] Brand to the Admiralty,6 February 1719.
[21] William Gordon to the secretary,London:12 May 1709 in Saunders (1886),pp. 711-714;J. A. Doyle,English Colonies in America,Volume V:The Colonies Under the House of Hanover,New York:Henry Holt & Co.,1907,pp. 44-47.
[22] Robert E. Lee,Blackbeard the Pirate:A Reappraisal of His Life and Times,Winston-Salem,NC:John F. Blair,1974,pp. 157-160.
[23] Brand to the Admiralty,6 February 1719.
[24] Brand to the Admiralty,6 February 1719.
[25] Spotswood to the Council of Trade,22 December 1718,p. 430;ADM 1/1826:Spotswood to George Gordon,Williamsburg,VA:24 November 1718.
[26] Ellis Brand to the Admiralty,6 February 1719.
[27] ADM 1/1826 f2:George Gordon to the Admiralty,London:14 September 1721;Tobias Knight to Edward Thatch,Bath,NC:17 November 1718 in Saunders (1886),pp. 343-344;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 80,83.
[28] ADM 1/1826 f2:George Gordon to the Admiralty,London:14 September 1721;Abstract of Letter of Robert Maynard to Mr. Symonds,p. 1,339;“Rhode Island Dispatch,February 20,” Boston News-Letter,2 March 1719,p. 2;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 79-83;Letter of George Gordon to the Admiralty,14 September 1721;ADM 33/311:Navy Board Pay Office,Ship’s Pay Books,National Archives,Kew,UK:Paybook of the Lyme (for identity of slain coxswain Allen Arlington).
[29] Brand to the Admiralty,6 February 1719;George Gordon to the Admiralty,14 September 1721.
[30] Abstract of Letter of Robert Maynard to Mr Symonds,p. 1339;ADM51/672:Admiralty Records,Captain’s Logs,Pearl,26 July 1715 to 8 Dec 1719,National Archives,Kew,UK.:Admiralty Records,Captain’s Logs,Pearl,26 July 1715 to 8 Dec 1719,National Archives,Kew,UK. p5:Entry of 3 January 1719;Robert E. Lee,Blackbeard the Pirate:A Reappraisal of His Life and Times,Winston-Salem,NC:John F. Blair,1974,124.
[31] Brand to the Admiralty,6 February 1719;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 83.
[32] Brand to the Admiralty,14 July 1719;Abstract of testimony of Ellis Brand given in Virginia,Saunders (1886),p. 344.
[33] Brand to the Admiralty,14 July 1719;Abstract of testimony of Ellis Brand given in Virginia,Saunders (1886),p. 344.
[34] Brand to the Admiralty,14 July 1719;Abstract of testimony of Ellis Brand given in Virginia,Saunders (1886),p. 344.
[35] ADM 1/1472 f11:Brand to the Admiralty,Lyme at Virginia:March 1719;Brand to the Admiralty,6 February 1719.
[36] ADM51/672:Admiralty Records,Captain’s Logs,Pearl,26 July 1715 to 8 Dec 1719,National Archives,Kew,UK.:Admiralty Records,Captain’s Logs,Pearl,26 July 1715 to 8 Dec 1719,National Archives,Kew,UK. pt. 5:entry of 3 January 1719.
[37] Extract of some letters from Virginia,London Weekly Journal or British Gazette,11 April 1719,p. 1,229;Watson (II,1844),p. 221.
[38] Robert E. Lee,Blackbeard the Pirate:A Reappraisal of His Life and Times,Winston-Salem,NC:John F. Blair,1974,pp. 228-229.
[39] The trial records have sadly been lost,apparently in the fire that engulfed Virginia’s Capitol in 1747. Fragmentary accounts of the trial survive in GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 86,and Saunders (1886),pp. 341-344. See also Lee,pp. 136-142.