第十一章 亡命天涯(一七一八年九月~一七二○年三月)(第14/14页)
[61] CO142/14:Colonial Office Records:Jamaica Shipping Returns,1709-1722,National Archives,Kew,UK.:A List of all the ships and vessels that have called at Kingston in His Majesty’s Land of Jamaica from the 29th day of September to the 25th day of December 1718;TJR:The Tryals of Captain John Rackham and other Pirates,Kingston,Jamaica:Robert Baldwin,1720,p. 24.
[62] GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 620.
[63] TJR:The Tryals of Captain John Rackham and other Pirates,Kingston,Jamaica:Robert Baldwin,1720,p. 24;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 138.
[64] TJR:The Tryals of Captain John Rackham and other Pirates,Kingston,Jamaica:Robert Baldwin,1720,p. 24;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 138-139.
[65] TJR:The Tryals of Captain John Rackham and other Pirates,Kingston,Jamaica:Robert Baldwin,1720,p. 24;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 139.
[66] TJR:The Tryals of Captain John Rackham and other Pirates,Kingston,Jamaica:Robert Baldwin,1720,pp. 24-25;CO142/14:Colonial Office Records:Jamaica Shipping Returns,1709-1722,National Archives,Kew,UK.:A List of all the ships and vessels that have called at Kingston in His Majesty’s Land of Jamaica from the 29th day of September to the 25th day of December 1718;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 139.
[67] TJR:The Tryals of Captain John Rackham and other Pirates,Kingston,Jamaica:Robert Baldwin,1720,p. 25;GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,p. 139,Chris Humphrey,Moon Handbooks:Honduras,3rd edition,Emeryville,CA:2000,p. 154.
[68] GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 139-140.
[69] GHP:Charles Johnson,A General History of the Pyrates,ed. Manuel Schonhorn,Columbia,SC:University of South Carolina Press,1972,pp. 140-141.
[70] TJR:The Tryals of Captain John Rackham and other Pirates,Kingston,Jamaica:Robert Baldwin,1720,pp. 36-40;“New York Dispatch,May 1,” Philadelphia American Weekly Mercury,4 May 1721,p. 2.