第二章 乘风破浪(一六九七~一七○二年)(第9/12页)

西班牙王位继承战争(The War of the Spanish Succession)让罗杰斯船长的生活更有风险,他的商船是法国劫掠者轻松可以拿下的肥羊。此外,他和其他商人可能也在一七○三年的恐怖暴风雨中失去了船只。那是英格兰史上最惨重的暴风雨,一共摧毁十三艘战舰,以及超过七百艘商船。[85]不过,尽管遭遇各种损失,罗杰斯船长的生意在战争头几年一定仍有获利,因为他位于皇后区的新家继续兴建,最后在一七○四年完工,与小伍兹完成学徒见习是同一年。[86]新房子高三层,还有给仆人住的阁楼,从后窗可以眺望埃文河。在这段时期的某个时间点,罗杰斯注意到住在隔壁的女孩:十八岁的莎拉·惠史东(Sarah Whetstone),也就是司令的长女与继承人。

一七○五年一月,罗杰斯与惠史东两家人到伦敦见证三场重要的仪式。十八日那天,威廉·惠史东被女王丈夫乔治王子(Prince George),也就是海军最高司令官(lord high admiral),任命为海军少将(rear admiral of the blue)。新上台的少将六天后主持了下一个仪式:莎拉与伍兹·罗杰斯的婚礼,地点是伦敦市中心的圣抹大拉马利亚教堂(St.Mary Magdalene)。[87]不久后,惠史东少将被重新指派为西印度群岛总司令(commander in chief),准备再次航向牙买加。新婚夫妇可能在伦敦度过了两个月,等着为惠史东少将送行,以及见证第三场仪式:安妮女王为惠史东举行的封爵大典。




[1] Kenneth J. Kinkor,“The Whydah Sourcebook,” unpublished document,Provincetown:Whydah Museum,Provincetown,MA:2003,p. 355;Parish register printouts of Hittisleigh,Devon,England christenings,1673-1837,FHL Film 933371,Item 4,Provo,UT:Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Genealogical Society.Microfilm.

[2] The National Gazeteer of Great Britain and Ireland,London,Virtue,1868.

[3] [Daniel Defoe] A Tour Thro’ the Whole Island of Great Britain,4th ed.,London:S. Birt,et al.,1768,pp. 360-361.

[4] Jane Humphries,“Enclosures,Common Rights,and Women:The Proletarianization of Families in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries,” The Journal of Economic History,Vol. 50,No. 1,March 1990,pp. 17-42.

[5] Jane Humphries,“Enclosures,Common Rights,and Women:The Proletarianization of Families in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries,” The Journal of Economic History,Vol. 50,No. 1,March 1990,p. 24.

[6] M. Dorothy George,England in Transition,Baltimore:Penguin,1953,pp. 12,15.

[7] David Ogg,England in the Reigns of James II and William III,Oxford,UK:Oxford University Press,1969,pp. 33-34.

[8] David Ogg,England in the Reigns of James II and William III,Oxford,UK:Oxford University Press,1969,pp. 34-35.

[9] John Komlos,“On English Pygmies and Giants:The Physical Stature of English Youth in the late-18th and early-19th Centuries,” Discussion Paper 2005-06,Munich:Department of Economics,University of Munich,April 2005.

[10] Vane lived in Port Royal:TJR:The Tryals of Captain John Rackham and other Pirates,Kingston,Jamaica:Robert Baldwin,1720,p. 27.

[11] Marcus Rediker,Villains of All Nations:Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age,Boston:Beacon Press,2004,p. 51.

[12] David Ogg,England in the Reigns of James II and William III,Oxford,UK:Oxford University Press,1969,132;Maureen Waller,1700:Scenes from London Life,New York:Four Walls,Eight Windows,2000,pp. 1-4.

[13] New State of England,4th ed.,London:R. J.,1702,p. 149.

[14] Maureen Waller,1700:Scenes from London Life