第二章 乘风破浪(一六九七~一七○二年)(第11/12页)

[46] Roger H. Leech,The Topography of Medieval and Early Modern Bristol,Part I,Bristol,UK:Bristol Record Society,1997;Author visit,Bristol,November 2005;Frank Shipsides and Robert Wall,Bristol:Maritime City,Bristol,UK:Redcliffe Press,1981,pp. 47-50.

[47] David Ogg,England in the Reigns of James II and William III,Oxford,UK:Oxford University Press,1969,p. 328.

[48] James Boswell,The Life of Samuel Johnson,London:1791,p. 876.

[49] Rediker (1987),pp. 89,91,93.

[50] Quoted in Christopher Lloyd,The British Seaman 1200-1860:A Social Survey,Rutherford,NJ:Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,1970,p. 106.

[51] Rediker (1987),pp. 92-93.

[52] G. E. Manwaring,The Flower of England’s Garland,London:Philip Allan & Co.,1935,pp. 157-169;Edward Ward,The Wooden World Dissected,3rd ed.,London:M. Cooper,1744,p. 70.

[53] Hans Sloane,A Voyage to the Islands of Madera,Barbados,Nieves,St Christopher’s and Jamaica,Vol. I,London:B. M.,1707,p. 25.

[54] Rediker (1987),pp. 160-161;Stephen R. Brown,Scurvy:How a surgeon,a mariner,and a Gentleman solved the Greatest Medical Mystery of the Age,New York:St Martin’s Press,2003,pp. 14-15.

[55] Gottleib Mittelberger as quoted in John Duffy,“The Passage to the Colonies,” Mississippi Valley Historical Review,Vol. 38. No. 1 (June 1951),p. 23.

[56] Rediker (1987),pp. 127-128;“mouldy and stinking” Edward Barlow quoted in Christopher Lloyd,The British Seaman 1200-1860:A Social Survey,Rutherford,NJ:Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,1970,p. 108;Web site on HMS Victory (1797) at www.stvincent.ac.uk/Heritage/1797/Victory/food.html.

[57] Rediker (1987),p. 143.

[58] “Dispatch from Dublin Post-Boy of 11 March,” Boston News-Letter,1 May 1729,p. 1;“Boston Dispatch,November 4,” Boston News-Letter,6 November 1729,p. 2.

[59] Rediker (1987),pp. 215-221.

[60] The Tryal of Captain Jeane of Bristol,London:T.Warner,1726,pp. 5-7.

[61] Instructions,London:[for the Admiralty],1714,p. 27;Dudley Pope,Life in Nelson’s Navy,London:Unwin Irwin,1987.

[62] Rediker (1987),pp. 32-33,47-48,92-93.

[63] Rediker (1987),pp. 144-146.

[64] Christopher Lloyd,The British Seaman 1200-1860:A Social Survey,Rutherford,NJ:Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,1970,pp. 107-108;R.D.Merriman,Queen Anne’s Navy,London:Navy Records Society,1961,pp. 171-173;Rediker (1987),p. 33.

[65] Elizabeth Ralph and Mary E.Williams,The Inhabitants of Bristol in 1696,Bristol,UK:Bristol Records Society,1968.The author also examined partial tax records from the 1690s at the Bristol Records Office,p. 107.

[66] 他的出生记录没能留存下来,但他的弟弟妹妹生于一六八○到一六八八年之间。我们知道,一七○五年,他在伦敦结婚时,“年约二十七”。见Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,第18页。

[67] Newton Wade,“Capt. Woodes Rogers,” Notes and Queries,Vol. 149,Number 22,28 November 1925,p. 389;G. E. Manwaring,The Flower of England’s Garland,London:Philip Allan & Co.,1935,pp. 92-93;Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,pp. 15-17.

[68] A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain,pp. 346-347;on the Newfoundland fish trade see Michael Harris,Lament for an Ocean,Toronto:McClelland & Stewart,1998,pp. 42-43.

[69] Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,pp. 17-19.

[70] Elizabeth Ralph and Mary E.Williams,The Inhabitants of Bristol in 1696,Bristol,UK:Bristol Records Society,1968.The author also examined partial tax records from the 1690s at the Bristol Records Office,p. 106.

[71] Kenneth Morgan,Bristol and the Atlantic trade in the eighteenth century,Cambridge,UK:Cambridge University Press,pp. 29-30.

[72] Kenneth Morgan,Bristol and the Atlantic trade in the eighteenth century,Cambridge,UK:Cambridge University Press,p. 33.

[73] Andor Gomme,Michael Jenner,and Bryan Little,Bristol:an architectural history,London:Lind Humphries,1979,p. 94;Roger H. Leech,The Topography of Medieval and Early Modern Bristol,Part I,Bristol:Bristol Records Society,1997,pp. xx-xxvii,119-162;Morgan,pp. 7-9.

[74] Captain [Woodes] Rogers to William Dampier,circa 1695,as excerpted in William Dampier,Dampier’s Voyages,Volume II,John Masefiled,ed.,London:E. Grant Richards,1906,pp. 202-203,321-324.