第二章 乘风破浪(一六九七~一七○二年)(第12/12页)

[75] Christopher Lloyd,William Dampier,Hamden,CT:Archon Books,1966,pp. 15-16;Dampier,pp. 202-203,321-324.;David Lyon,The Sailing Navy List,London:Conway,1993,p. 26.

[76] Joel H. Baer,“William Dampier at the Crossroads:New Light on the ‘Missing Years,’ 1691-1697,” International Journal of Maritime History,Vol. VIII,No. 2 (1996),pp. 97-117.

[77] Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,p. 19.

[78] 我们知道他在一七○八年前,因为渔业贸易的关系去过那里。资料见Woodes Rogers,A Cruising Voyage Around the World,Originally published 1712,New York:Longmans,Green & Co.,1928,p. 99。

[79] W. N. Minchinton,The Trade of Bristol in the Eighteenth Century,Bristol:Bristol Record Society,1957,p. 6.

[80] “Poole,”“Trinity Harbour,” and “Old Perlican” in Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador,St. John’s,Nfld.:Memorial University,1997.

[81] J. K. Laughton,“Whetstone,Sir William (d. 1711)” in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography,Oxford University Press,2004;Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,pp. 19-20.

[82] Andor Gomme,Michael Jenner,and Bryan Little,Bristol:an architectural history,London:Lind Humphries,1979,pp. 96-98;Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,pp. 22-23.

[83] J.K Laughton,“Whetstone,Sir Willaim,” Oxford Dictionary of National Biography,Oxford,UK:Oxford University Press,2004;David Syrett (ed.),Commissioned Sea Officers of the Royal Navy 1660-1815,London:Navy Records Society,1994,p. 983.

[84] Wikipedia,“Charles II of Spain” and “War of Spanish Succession,” online resource,viewed 10 January 2006.

[85] G. J. Marcus,A Naval History of England,Volume I:The Formative Centuries,Boston:Little,Brown & Co.,1961,pp. 221-223.

[86] Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,p. 22.

[87] Oxford Dictionary;David Syrett (ed.),Commissioned Sea Officers of the Royal Navy 1660-1815,London:Navy Records Society,1994,p. 983;G. E. Manwaring,The Flower of England’s Garland,London:Philip Allan & Co.,1935,p. 93n.

[88] Notes & Queries,Volume 149,Number 22,28 November 1925,p. 388;Newton Wade,“Capt.Woodes Rogers,” Notes & Queries,10th series,Number VIII,No. 207 (December 14 1907),p. 470.

[89] G. E. Manwaring,The Flower of England’s Garland,London:Philip Allan & Co.,1935,p. 93.

[90] William Hogarth,Woodes Rogers and his Family (1729),oil on canvas painting,National Maritime Museum,London.