第一章 传奇人物埃弗里(一六九六年)(第8/9页)

,London:J. Brotherten,1741,pp. 429-430.

[7] “The Trial of Joseph Dawson,Edward Forseith,William May,William Bishop,James Lewis and John Sparkes at the Old Baily for Felony and Piracy,” London:19 October 1696,in Francis Hargrave,A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings,Volume V,London:T.Wright,1777 p. 10;“The Case of Nicholas Trott,” 25 October 1698,in CSPCS 1697-1698,No. 928,p. 506;Examination of John Dean,pp. 169-170;Affidavit of Phillip Middleton,London:11 November 1696,in Jameson,pp. 171-173.

[8] 依据菲利普·布鲁斯(Phillip A Bruce)的《十七世纪弗吉尼亚经济史》(History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century,New York:MacMillan & Co.,1896,pp. 503,507,510-1 1)所述,当时一西班牙比索(peso)或一枚八里尔银币,价值五先令或零点二五英镑。每“一枚金币”(piece of gold)据信等于一西班牙皮斯托尔(pistole)。依据约翰·康迪乌特(John Condiuitt)的《我们的金银币现况观察》(Observations upon the present state of our Gold and Silver Coins,1730)所述,一皮斯托尔等同于三十二莱艾尔(ryal)。

[9] 一七一三年,拥有巴哈马的贵族也拥有北卡罗来纳殖民地,贵族向他们的总督支付的年薪约为三百英镑。Warrant from the Lord Proprietors to Daniel Richardson,St. James’s Palace,London:13 August 1713 in CSPCS 1712-1714,item No. 451,p. 219.

[10] “The Case of Nicholas Trott,” 25 October 1698,in CSPCS 1697-1698,No. 928,pp. 506-507.

[11] Affidavit of Phillip Middleton,London:11 November 1696,in Jameson,p. 172;Francis Hargrave,A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings,Volume V,London:T.Wright,1777,p. 10.

[12] Affidavit of Phillip Middleton,London:11 November 1696,in Jameson,p. 173.

[13] “The Case of Nicholas Trott,” 25 October 1698,in CSPCS 1697-1698,No. 928,pp. 506-507.

[14] Affidavit of Phillip Middleton,London:11 November 1696,in Jameson,pp. 172-173.

[15] Joel H. Baer,“‘Captain John Avery’ and the Anatomy of a Mutiny,” Eighteenth Century Life,Vol. 18 (February 1994),pp. 3-4.

[16] Joel H. Baer,“‘Captain John Avery’ and the Anatomy of a Mutiny,” Eighteenth Century Life,Vol. 18 (February 1994),pp. 4-5.

[17] Joel H. Baer,“‘Captain John Avery’ and the Anatomy of a Mutiny,” Eighteenth Century Life,Vol. 18 (February 1994),pp. 5-6.

[18] Joel H. Baer,“‘Captain John Avery’ and the Anatomy of a Mutiny,” Eighteenth Century Life,Vol. 18 (February 1994),pp. 8-9,11.

[19] Joel H. Baer,“‘Captain John Avery’ and the Anatomy of a Mutiny,” Eighteenth Century Life,Vol. 18 (February 1994),p. 9.

[20] Joel H. Baer,“‘Captain John Avery’ and the Anatomy of a Mutiny,” Eighteenth Century Life,Vol. 18 (February 1994),p. 9.

[21] Joel H. Baer,“‘Captain John Avery’ and the Anatomy of a Mutiny,” Eighteenth Century Life,Vol. 18 (February 1994),pp. 13-14;Francis Hargrave,A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings,Volume V,London:T.Wright,1777,p. 6.

[22] Francis Hargrave,A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings,Volume V,London:T.Wright,1777,pp. 6-8.

[23] Joel H. Baer,“‘Captain John Avery’ and the Anatomy of a Mutiny,” Eighteenth Century Life,Vol. 18 (February 1994),p. 15.

[24] For examples see Gomer Williams,History of the Liverpool Privateers and Letters of Marque with an Account of the Liverpool Slave Trade,Montreal:McGill-Queen’s Press,2004,p. 31;Angus Kostram,Privateers & Pirates 1730-1830,Oxford,UK:Osprey Publishing,2001,p. 20.

[25] Examination of John Dann,3 August 1696,in John Franklin Jameson,Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period:Illustrative Documents,New York:Macmillan Co.,1923,p. 165;Francis Hargrave,A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings,Volume V,London:T.Wright,1777,p. 10.

[26] in Declaration of Henry Avery to All English Commanders,Johanna,Comoro Islands:28 February 1694,enclosed within Petition of the East India Company to the Lord Justices,London:July 1696,in Jameson,p. 154.

[27] Examination of John Dann,in John Franklin Jameson,Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period:Illustrative Documents,New York:Macmillan Co.,1923,pp. 165-167;Francis Hargrave,A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings,Volume V,London:T.Wright,1777,pp. 8-10;Examination of Peter Claus in CSPCS 1697-1698,No. 404ii,p. 184.

[28] Examination of John Dann,in John Franklin Jameson,Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period:Illustrative Documents