第十一章 华沙(第9/9页)
[25] Stone,Eastern Front,94-97.
[26] Harry Kessler,Journey to the Abyss:The Diaries of Count Harry Kessler,1880-1918,ed. and trans. Laird M.Easton(New York:Knopf,2011),655.
[27] C.R.M.F.Cruttwell,A History of the Great War 1914-1918(Chicago:Academy,2007[1934]),80.
[28] Rutherford,Tsar’s Army,78;Max Hoffmann,The War of Lost Opportunities(New York:International,1925),150.
[29] Kessler,Journey to the Abyss,657.
[30] Morse,In the Russian Ranks,118;Knox,With the Russian Army,1:146.
[31] Kessler,Journey to the Abyss,653.
[32] KA,NFA 1795,7 KpsKdo,Dobromil,Oct. 31,1914,GdI Meixner,“Geefechtsbericht über die Kämpfe bei Chyrow und Dobromil von 11 bis 24.Okt. 1914.”
[33] Rutherford,Tsar’s Army,77.
[34] Knox,With the Russian Army,1:ⅹⅹⅹⅲ;Rutherford,Tsar’s Army,74.
[35] KA,NFA 910,Krakau,Nov.14,1914,GdI Eh Joseph Ferdinand.
[36] Jerabek,“Brussilowoffensive,” 1.
[37] KA,NFA 1367,3.Armeekdo,Oct.29,1914,GdI Boroevic to corps. Jerabek,“Brussilowoffensive,” 1.
[38] KA,NFA 1794,5 Korpskdo,Wachok,Oct.28,1914,Maj. Aladar von Kovacs,“Bericht über Situation,Zustand etc. der Truppen des 37.LITD.”
[39] Kessler,Journey to the Abyss,654.
[40] KA,NFA 1794,1 Korpskdo,Chechlo,Nov.15,1914,GdK Kirchbach to GdK Dankl.
[41] HHSA,PA I,842,Dresden,Oct. 29,1914,Braun to Berchtold.
[42] Stürgkh,Im Deutschen Grossen Hauptquartier,132-133.
[43] Stone,Eastern Front,101.
[44] Stepun,Wie war es möglich,22.
[45] Stanley Washburn,On the Russian Front in World War I:Memoirs of an American War Correspondent(New York:Robert Speller,1982),96-97;Knox,With the Russian Army,1:167.
[46] KA,NFA 1868,Lt.Karl Popper,“Das Feldjägerbattalion Nr.6 im Weltkrieg 1914.”
[47] KA,NFA 1151,19.ITD Kdo,Jaroslau,Oct. 28,1914,Divisionskdobefehl Nr. 10,FML Lukas.
[48] Herwig,First World War,108;Stone,Eastern Front,123.
[49] KA,NFA 911,AOK,Nov.16,1914,“Schilderung der Meldentaten einzelner Truppenkörper und Personen für die Jugend.”
[50] HHSA,PA I,842,Berlin,Nov.12 and 17,1914,Hohenlohe to Berchtold.
[51] Cruttweli,History of the Great War,82;Morse,In the Russian Ranks,130,155.
[52] Liddell Hart,The Real War,109;Max Hoffmann,War Diaries(London:Secker,1929),1:46.
[53] Henry Norman,All the Russias(London:William Heinemann,1902),3;HHSA,PA I,837,Munich Dec.29,1915,Vélics to Burián;PA I,842,Berlin,Aug. 11,1914,Szögeny to Berchtold.
[54] HHSA,PA I,842,Dresden,Oct.29,1914,Baron Karl Braun to Berchtold
[55] Jerabek,“Brussilowoffensive,” 34-35;Cruttwell,History of the Great War,84.
[56] Liddell Hart,The Real War,110.